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二年前滞在中、何度か豪雨に襲われた。 雷が頭上で大きく鳴りひびいたあと、 大粒の雨が広大な大地を叩きつけた。 周りには障害物もなく、一面田んぼが広がっていて頭上では雷鳴が轟いている。 鉛色の空に黒い雲と横に広がるような雷鳴、打ち付ける雨、そしてその流れ落ちた水の塊が渦を巻くようにコンクリートで舗装された道をとめどなく流れていった。 それはまるで川のように轟々と流れていくようだった。 その体験をもとに作品を制作する。


During my stay two years ago, I was hit by heavy rain several times. After the thunder roared loudly overhead, large drops of rain hit the vast earth. There were no obstacles around, the rice fields spread out all over, and the roaring sound of thunder echoed overhead. Black clouds were in the lead-colored sky and the sound of thunder spread sideways. The rain was beating down, and the falling masses of water swirled endlessly down the concrete-paved road. It seemed to flow like a river. That experience was the basis for the creation of this work.


展示場所:伊参スタジオ Isama Studio Park


​Exhibition scenery






Cosmographia - Tracing the invisible land

During my stay two years ago, I was hit by heavy rain several times.
Thunder rumbled loudly overhead, and then large drops of rain pounded the vast land.
There were no obstacles around me, just rice fields, and thunder could be heard overhead.
There were black clouds in the lead-colored sky, rolling thunder, pounding rain, and the falling water swirled endlessly down the concrete-paved road. It was flowing like a river.

Since the spread of the coronavirus has limited my range of activities and I have been staying at home, I have started painting a piece called ``Mountain of Memories'' with the intention of depicting landscapes that I have seen in the past that have impressed me. The work was a mountain landscape in Nakanojo.

When I heard that the theme of this year's Cosmographia was tracing invisible lands, I researched Nakanojo and discovered that a long time ago, from the ancient Nakanojo Hamase to Isan Studio, to the town of Nakanojo at the sacred mountain Takeyama, everything is at the bottom of the sea. It turned out that seaweed was spreading on the bottom of the dovetail.

I used to draw landscapes of mountains and rivers based on my memories, but I wanted to paint an ancient sea that existed in the distant past, even beyond my personal memories.
The motif of the ancient fish that nests in the sea is the catfish that is enshrined in the main shrine office of Raiden Shrine in the sacred mountain Takeyama.







The work has different faces on the front and back.
The back side shows the heavy rain experienced in Nakanojo.
I drew this with the image of heavy rain falling on the mountains of Nakanojo.
In 2019, during my first residency, I experienced the rain in Nakanojo, where large drops of rain suddenly fell, pounding down, and then stopped. That really left an impression on me. Her 2019 work "echo" is based on the shape and sound of waterfalls, but it also includes expressions of heavy rain.
During her second stay in 2021, she experienced more rain than during her first stay. The most memorable moment was when I headed to the coin laundry across from the south exit of Nakanojo Station. Even though it was sunny, black rain clouds suddenly appeared, and large drops of rain began to fall. I still remember the thunder and the heavy rain that echoed across the blue fields all around me.


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