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初めて中之条の四万温泉に訪れた時、広大な自然に驚いた。その中でも鼓動 のような音を立てて流れる滝や、川の流れが作り出す模様に目をひかれた。 今回の展覧会では、そういった川の作り出す流れを別の場所から別の視点で 捉えたいと思い、去年紅葉の季節に訪れた四万温泉の甌穴の川をモチーフに した作品を制作しました。

When I first visited Shima Onsen in Nakanojo, I was surprised by the vastness of nature. Among them, what caught my attention was the waterfall that made a sound like a heartbeat and the patterns created by the flowing river. For this exhibition, I wanted to capture the flow created by rivers from a different place and from a different perspective, so I created a piece using the pothole river at Shima Onsen, which I visited last year during the fall foliage season, as a motif. .


​Exhibition scenery

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