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 "What do you hear?

2019年、旧第三小学校で制作していた際に室内中にサイレンの音が大音量で鳴り響いた。近場で熊が出たらしい。その時 1 人だったのでとても怖かったのを覚えている。なぜ怖かったのか考えた。自分以外に誰もいないと分かっているのに、何かそこにいるんじゃないかと探ろうとして耳が敏感になっていたからだと思う。そういった聞こえてくる音以外のものから得体の知れないものを想像して、頭の中で膨らんでいくのが怖くもあれば面白かったのでその感覚を作品にしたいと思い制作する。

Nakanojo Biennale 2021
Shima Onsen Area
Displayed in the home economics room, library, women's locker room, cooking room, and black room of the former Daisan Elementary School.
In 2019, when I was working on the project at the former Daisan Elementary School, the sound of a siren rang out loudly throughout the room. Apparently there was a bear nearby. I remember being so scared because I was alone at that time. I thought about why I was scared. I think it was because even though I knew there was no one else there but me, my ears became sensitive trying to detect if something was there. It was both scary and interesting to imagine strange things from things other than the sounds you hear and see them expand inside your head, so I wanted to capture that feeling into a piece of work.


​Exhibition scenery










The large green works displayed in the library and home economics room are The image of a bear, vague and unsettling, forms like a mountain landscape. The view of the mountains from the window is beautiful, and the speech bubbles reflecting thoughts were placed so that they echoed through the mountains.​ At first glance, this mountain appears to be an abstract representation of a bear, but The real bear's presence is the eyes that silently stare at the audience from the back of the library. There is a story that wild bears do not appear in public, but instead stare at humans from above, as if observing them. Based on what I've heard, I decided to express it not in the shape of a bear, but in a shape that mimics a mountain. These eyes can only be seen from the door in front of the home economics room. The audience seems to be looking at a bear, but on the contrary, they are being watched by the bear in the work.





Photo seen from the front door of the home economics room

The bear's eyes are staring at us from the back of the library.


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